Source code for primap2._data_format

import contextlib
import datetime
import pathlib
from import Hashable, Iterable, Mapping
from typing import IO, Optional, Union

import pandas as pd
import pint
import xarray as xr
from loguru import logger

from . import _accessor_base, pm2io
from ._units import ureg

[docs] def open_dataset( filename_or_obj: Union[str, pathlib.Path, IO], group: Optional[str] = None, chunks: Optional[Union[int, dict]] = None, cache: Optional[bool] = None, drop_variables: Optional[Union[str, Iterable]] = None, backend_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, ) -> xr.Dataset: """Open and decode a dataset from a file or file-like object. Parameters ---------- filename_or_obj : str, Path, file-like, or DataStore Strings and Path objects are interpreted as a path to a netCDF file or an OpenDAP URL and opened with h5py. Byte-strings or file-like objects are also supported. group : str, optional Path to the netCDF4 group in the given file to open. chunks : int or dict, optional If chunks is provided, it is used to load the new dataset into dask arrays. ``chunks={}`` loads the dataset with dask using a single chunk for all arrays. cache : bool, optional If True, cache data loaded from the underlying datastore in memory as NumPy arrays when accessed to avoid reading from the underlying data- store multiple times. Defaults to True unless you specify the `chunks` argument to use dask, in which case it defaults to False. Does not change the behavior of coordinates corresponding to dimensions, which always load their data from disk into a ``pandas.Index``. drop_variables: str or iterable, optional A variable or list of variables to exclude from being parsed from the dataset. This may be useful to drop variables with problems or inconsistent values. backend_kwargs: dict, optional A dictionary of keyword arguments to pass on to the backend. This may be useful when backend options would improve performance or allow user control of dataset processing. Returns ------- dataset : Dataset The newly created dataset. Notes ----- ``open_dataset`` opens the file with read-only access. When you modify values of a Dataset, even one linked to files on disk, only the in-memory copy you are manipulating in xarray is modified: the original file on disk is never touched. """ ds = xr.open_dataset( filename_or_obj=filename_or_obj, group=group, chunks=chunks, cache=cache, drop_variables=drop_variables, backend_kwargs=backend_kwargs, engine="h5netcdf", ).pint.quantify(unit_registry=ureg) if "sec_cats" in ds.attrs: ds.attrs["sec_cats"] = list(ds.attrs["sec_cats"]) if "publication_date" in ds.attrs: ds.attrs["publication_date"] = ds.attrs["publication_date"] ) return ds
class DatasetDataFormatAccessor(_accessor_base.BaseDatasetAccessor): """MixIn class which provides functions for checking the data format and saving of Datasets.""" def ensure_valid(self) -> None: """Ensure this is a valid primap2 data set. Logs any deviations or non-standard properties. If the dataset violates any hard requirements of primap2 data sets, an exception is raised, otherwise the function simply returns. """ if not isinstance(self._ds, xr.Dataset): logger.error("object is not an xarray Dataset.") raise ValueError("ds is not an xr.Dataset") ensure_valid_dimensions(self._ds) ensure_no_dimension_without_coordinates(self._ds) ensure_valid_coordinates(self._ds) ensure_valid_coordinate_values(self._ds) ensure_valid_data_variables(self._ds) ensure_valid_attributes(self._ds) def to_interchange_format(self, time_format: str = "%Y") -> pd.DataFrame: """Convert dataset to the interchange format. The interchange format consists of a pandas DataFrame in wide format with the meta data dictionary stored in the DataFrame's attrs dict. Parameters ---------- time_format: str, optional string for strftime formatting of the "time" axis. Returns ------- df: pd.DataFrame """ dsd = dsd["time"] = dsd["time"].dt.strftime(time_format) time_cols = list(dsd["time"].values) if "entity_terminology" in self._ds.attrs: entity_col = f"entity ({self._ds.attrs['entity_terminology']})" else: entity_col = "entity" dfs = [] for x in dsd: df = ( dsd[x] .to_dataset("time") .to_dataframe() .dropna( how="all", subset=time_cols, ) .reset_index() ) df[entity_col] = x df["unit"] = dsd[x].attrs.get("units", "no unit") dfs.append(df) df = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True) add_coords = list(set(self._ds.coords) - set(self._ds.dims)) df, dims = pm2io._data_reading.sort_columns_and_rows( df, dimensions=[dim for dim in dsd.dims if dim != "time"] + [entity_col, "unit"] + add_coords, ) dimensions = {} all_dimensions = [str(dim) for dim in dsd.dims] + [entity_col, "unit"] for entity in dsd: dims = [str(dim) for dim in dsd[entity].dims] + [entity_col, "unit"] if set(dims) == set(all_dimensions): # use default option for entities which use all the dataset's dimensions if "*" not in dimensions: dimensions["*"] = all_dimensions else: dimensions[entity] = dims # all non-float dtypes are specified dtypes = { entity: str(dsd[entity].dtype) for entity in dsd if dsd[entity].dtype != float } # add attrs for additional coords additional_coordinates = {} for coord in add_coords: coords_current = set(self._ds.coords[coord].coords) - {coord} if len(coords_current) != 1: logger.error( f"Additional coordinate {coord!r} has more than one dimension, " f"which is not supported." ) raise ValueError( f"Additional coordinate {coord!r} has more than one dimension" ) additional_coordinates[coord] = next(iter(coords_current)) df.attrs = { "attrs": self._ds.attrs, "time_format": time_format, "dimensions": dimensions, } if additional_coordinates: df.attrs["additional_coordinates"] = additional_coordinates if dtypes: df.attrs["dtypes"] = dtypes return df def to_netcdf( self, path: Union[pathlib.Path, str], mode: str = "w", group: Optional[str] = None, encoding: Union[Mapping, None] = None, ) -> Union[bytes, None]: """Write dataset contents to a netCDF file. Parameters ---------- path : str or Path File path to which to save this dataset. mode : {"w", "a"}, default: "w" Write ('w') or append ('a') mode. If mode='w', any existing file at this location will be overwritten. If mode='a', existing variables will be overwritten. group : str, optional Path to the netCDF4 group in the given file to open. The group(s) will be created if necessary. encoding : dict, optional Nested dictionary with variable names as keys and dictionaries of variable specific encodings as values, e.g., ``{"my_variable": {"dtype": "int16", "scale_factor": 0.1, "zlib": True}, ...}`` This supports both the NetCDF4-style compression encoding parameters ``{"zlib": True, "complevel": 9}`` and the h5py ones ``{"compression": "gzip", "compression_opts": 9}``. This allows using any compression plugin installed in the HDF5 library, e.g. LZF. """ ds = self._ds.pint.dequantify() if "publication_date" in ds.attrs: ds.attrs["publication_date"] = ds.attrs["publication_date"].isoformat() return ds.to_netcdf( path=path, mode=mode, group=group, encoding=encoding, engine="h5netcdf", format="NETCDF4", ) def split_dim_name(dim_name: str) -> tuple[str, str]: """Split a dimension name composed of the dimension, and the category set in parentheses into its parts.""" try: dim, category_set = dim_name.split("(", 1) except ValueError: logger.error(f"{dim_name!r} not in the format 'dim (category_set)'.") raise ValueError( f"{dim_name!r} not in the format 'dim (category_set)'" ) from None return dim, category_set[:-1] def ensure_no_dimension_without_coordinates(ds: xr.Dataset): for dim in ds.dims: if dim not in ds.coords: logger.error(f"No coord found for dimension {dim!r}.") raise ValueError(f"dim {dim!r} has no coord") def ensure_valid_coordinates(ds: xr.Dataset): additional_coords = set(ds.coords) - set(ds.dims) for coord in ds.coords: if not isinstance(coord, str): # Note: can not be tested properly because xarray deals poorly with # coordinate names which are not sortable with strings so the test never # gets here anyway logger.error( f"Coordinate {coord!r} is of type {type(coord)}, but " f"only strings are allowed." ) raise ValueError(f"Coord key {coord!r} is not a string") elif coord in additional_coords: if " " in coord: logger.error( f"Additional coordinate name {coord!r} contains a space, " f"replace it with an underscore." ) raise ValueError(f"Coord key {coord!r} contains a space") def ensure_valid_attributes(ds: xr.Dataset): with contextlib.suppress(KeyError): reference = ds.attrs["references"] if not reference.startswith("doi:"):"Reference information is not a DOI: {reference!r}") with contextlib.suppress(KeyError): contact = ds.attrs["contact"] if "@" not in contact:"Contact information is not an email address: {contact!r}.") with contextlib.suppress(KeyError): publication_date = ds.attrs["publication_date"] if not isinstance(publication_date, logger.error( f"Publication date is not a object: {publication_date!r}." ) raise ValueError("Publication date is not a date object.") valid_attr_keys = { "references", "rights", "contact", "title", "comment", "institution", "history", "area", "cat", "sec_cats", "scen", "entity_terminology", "publication_date", } unknown_attr_keys = set(ds.attrs.keys()) - valid_attr_keys if unknown_attr_keys: logger.warning(f"Unknown metadata in attrs: {unknown_attr_keys!r}, typo?") def ensure_valid_data_variables(ds: xr.Dataset): ds = ensure_units_exist(ds) for key in ds: da: xr.DataArray = ds[key] # type: ignore ensure_entity_and_units_exist(key, da) ensure_entity_and_units_valid(key, da) ensure_variable_name(str(key), da) if "gwp_context" in da.attrs: ensure_gwp_context_valid(str(key), da) else: ensure_not_gwp(key, da) def ensure_entity_and_units_exist(key: Hashable, da: xr.DataArray): if "entity" not in da.attrs: logger.error(f"{key!r} has no entity declared in attributes.") raise ValueError(f"entity missing for {key!r}") if da.pint.units is None and da.dtype == float: logger.error(f"{key!r} is numerical (float) data, but has no units.") raise ValueError(f"units missing for {key!r}") def ensure_units_exist(ds: xr.Dataset) -> xr.Dataset: try: # ensure that units are attached return ds.pint.quantify(unit_registry=ureg) except ValueError: # raised by pint when units attached and in attrs logger.error("'units' in variable attrs, but data is quantified already.") raise def ensure_entity_and_units_valid(key: Hashable, da: xr.DataArray): entity = da.attrs["entity"] units = da.pint.units with contextlib.suppress(pint.UndefinedUnitError): # if the entity is a gas and it is not converted to a gwp, the dimensions # should be compatible with an emission rate unit_entity = ureg(entity) if "gwp_context" not in da.attrs and not units.is_compatible_with( unit_entity * ureg.Gg / ureg.year ): logger.warning( f"{key!r} has a unit of {units}, which is not " f"compatible with an emission rate." ) def ensure_gwp_context_valid(key: str, da: xr.DataArray): units = da.pint.units gwp_context = da.attrs["gwp_context"] if units.dimensionality != {"[carbon]": 1, "[mass]": 1, "[time]": -1}: logger.error( f"{key!r} is a global warming potential, but the dimension is not " f"[CO2 * mass / time]." ) raise ValueError(f"{key} has wrong dimensionality for gwp_context.") try: with ureg.context(gwp_context): pass except KeyError: logger.error(f"gwp_context {gwp_context!r} for {key!r} is not valid.") raise ValueError(f"Invalid gwp_context {gwp_context!r} for {key!r}") from None if "(" not in key or not key.endswith(")"): logger.warning(f"{key!r} has a gwp_context in attrs, but not in its " f"name.") def ensure_not_gwp(key: Hashable, da: xr.DataArray): if ( da.pint.units is not None and da.pint.units.dimensionality == {"[carbon]": 1, "[mass]": 1, "[time]": -1} and da.attrs["entity"] != "CO2" ): logger.warning( f"{key!r} has the dimension [CO2 * mass / time], but is " f"not CO2. gwp_context missing?" ) def ensure_variable_name(key: str, da: xr.DataArray): if "gwp_context" in da.attrs: common_name = f"{da.attrs['entity']} ({da.attrs['gwp_context']})" else: common_name = da.attrs["entity"] if common_name != key:"The name {key!r} is not in standard format {common_name!r}.") def ensure_valid_coordinate_values(ds: xr.Dataset): if "provenance" in ds.dims: wrong_values = set(ds["provenance"].data) - {"projected", "measured", "derived"} if wrong_values: logger.error(f"provenance contains invalid values: {wrong_values!r}") raise ValueError(f"Invalid provenance: {wrong_values!r}") def ensure_valid_dimensions(ds: xr.Dataset): required_direct_dims = {"time", "source"} required_indirect_dims = {"area"} optional_direct_dims = {"provenance", "model"} optional_indirect_dims = {"cat", "scen"} # sec_cats is special for req_dim in required_direct_dims: if req_dim not in ds.dims: logger.error(f"{req_dim!r} not found in dims, but is required.") raise ValueError(f"{req_dim!r} not in dims") required_indirect_dims_long = [] for req_dim in required_indirect_dims: if req_dim not in ds.attrs: logger.error( f"{req_dim!r} not found in attrs, required dimension is therefore" f" undefined." ) raise ValueError(f"{req_dim!r} not in attrs") if ds.attrs[req_dim] not in ds.dims: logger.error( f"{ds.attrs[req_dim]!r} defined as {req_dim!r} dimension, but not found" f" in dims." ) raise ValueError(f"{req_dim!r} dimension not in dims") required_indirect_dims_long.append(ds.attrs[req_dim]) included_optional_dims = [] for opt_dim in optional_indirect_dims: if opt_dim in ds.attrs: long_name = ds.attrs[opt_dim] included_optional_dims.append(long_name) if long_name not in ds.dims: logger.error( f"{long_name!r} defined as {opt_dim}, but not found in dims." ) raise ValueError(f"{opt_dim!r} not in dims") if "sec_cats" in ds.attrs: for sec_cat in ds.attrs["sec_cats"]: included_optional_dims.append(sec_cat) if sec_cat not in ds.dims: logger.error( f"Secondary category {sec_cat!r} defined, but not found in dims: " f"{ds.dims}." ) raise ValueError(f"Secondary category {sec_cat!r} not in dims") if "sec_cats" in ds.attrs and "cat" not in ds.attrs: logger.warning( "Secondary category defined, but no primary category defined, weird." ) all_dims = set(ds.dims.keys()) unknown_dims = ( all_dims - required_direct_dims - set(required_indirect_dims_long) - optional_direct_dims - set(included_optional_dims) ) if unknown_dims: logger.warning( f"Dimension(s) {unknown_dims} unknown, likely a typo or missing in" f" sec_cats." ) for dim in required_indirect_dims.union(optional_indirect_dims): if dim in ds.attrs: split_dim_name(ds.attrs[dim])