Source code for primap2.pm2io._data_reading

import datetime
import itertools
import re
from import Callable, Iterable
from pathlib import Path
from typing import IO, Any

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pint
from loguru import logger

from .. import _selection
from .._units import ureg
from . import _conversion
from ._interchange_format import (

SEC_CATS_PREFIX = "sec_cats__"


[docs] def convert_long_dataframe_if( data_long: pd.DataFrame, *, coords_cols: dict[str, str], add_coords_cols: None | dict[str, list[str]] = None, coords_defaults: None | dict[str, Any] = None, coords_terminologies: dict[str, str], coords_value_mapping: None | dict[str, Any] = None, coords_value_filling: None | dict[str, dict[str, dict]] = None, filter_keep: None | dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = None, filter_remove: None | dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = None, meta_data: None | dict[str, Any] = None, time_format: str = "%Y-%m-%d", convert_str: bool | dict[str, float] = True, copy_df: bool = True, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Convert a DataFrame in long (tidy) format into the PRIMAP2 interchange format. Columns can be renamed or filled with default values to match the PRIMAP2 structure. Where we refer to "dimensions" in the parameter description below we mean the basic dimension names without the added terminology (e.g. "area" not "area (ISO3)"). The terminology information will be added by this function. You can not use the short dimension names in the attributes (e.g. "cat" instead of "category"). Parameters ---------- data_long: str, pd.DataFrame Long format DataFrame file which will be converted. coords_cols : dict Dict where the keys are column names in the files to be read and the value is the dimension in PRIMAP2. To specify the data column containing the observable, use the "data" key. For secondary categories use a ``sec_cats__`` prefix. add_coords_cols : dict, optional Dict where the keys are PRIMAP2 additional coordinate names and the values are lists with two elements where the first is the column in the dataframe to be converted and the second is the primap2 dimension for the coordinate (e.g. ``category`` for a ``category_name`` coordinate). coords_defaults : dict, optional Dict for default values of coordinates / dimensions not given in the csv files. The keys are the dimension names and the values are the values for the dimensions. For secondary categories use a ``sec_cats__`` prefix. coords_terminologies : dict Dict defining the terminologies used for the different coordinates (e.g. ISO3 for area). Only possible coordinates here are: area, category, scenario, entity, and secondary categories. For secondary categories use a ``sec_cats__`` prefix. All entries different from "area", "category", "scenario", "entity", and ``sec_cats__<name>`` will raise a ValueError. coords_value_mapping : dict, optional A dict with primap2 dimension names as keys. Values are dicts with input values as keys and output values as values. A standard use case is to map gas names from input data to the standardized names used in primap2. Alternatively a value can also be a function which transforms one CSV metadata value into the new metadata value. A third possibility is to give a string as a value, which defines a rule for translating metadata values. For the "category", "entity", and "unit" columns, the rule "PRIMAP1" is available, which translates from PRIMAP1 metadata to PRIMAP2 metadata. coords_value_filling : dict, optional A dict with primap2 dimension names as keys. These are the target columns where values will be filled (or replaced). Vales are dicts with primap2 dimension names as keys. These are the source columns. The values are dicts with source value - target value mappings. The value filling can do everything that the value mapping can, but while mapping can only replace values within a column using information from that column, the filing function can also fill or replace data based on values from a different column. This can be used to e.g. fill missing category codes based on category names or to replace category codes which do not meet the terminology using the category names. filter_keep : dict, optional Dict defining filters of data to keep. Filtering is done before metadata mapping, so use original metadata values to define the filter. Column names are as in the csv file. Each entry in the dict defines an individual filter. The names of the filters have no relevance. Default: keep all data. filter_remove : dict, optional Dict defining filters of data to remove. Filtering is done before metadata mapping, so use original metadata values to define the filter. Column names are as in the csv file. Each entry in the dict defines an individual filter. The names of the filters have no relevance. meta_data : dict, optional Meta data for the whole dataset. Will end up in the dataset-wide attrs. Allowed keys are "references", "rights", "contact", "title", "comment", "institution", and "history". Documentation about the format and meaning of the meta data can be found in the `data format documentation <\ data_format_details.html#dataset-attributes>`_. time_format : str, optional (default: "%Y-%m-%d") strftime style format used to format the time information for the data columns in the interchange format. Default: "%F", i.e. the ISO 8601 date format. convert_str : bool or dict, optional (default: True) If set to false, string values in the data columns will be kept. If set to true they will be converted to np.nan or 0 following default rules. If a dict is given mapping will be as given in the dict for values present in the dict and default as in parse_code for all other values copy_df : bool, optional (default: True) If set to true, a copy of the input DataFrame is made to keep the input as is. This negatively impacts speed. If set to false the input DataFrame will be altered but performance will be better Returns ------- obj: pd.DataFrame pandas DataFrame with the read data Examples -------- *Example for meta_mapping*:: meta_mapping = { 'pyCPA_col_1': {'col_1_value_1_in': 'col_1_value_1_out', 'col_1_value_2_in': 'col_1_value_2_out', }, 'pyCPA_col_2': {'col_2_value_1_in': 'col_2_value_1_out', 'col_2_value_2_in': 'col_2_value_2_out', }, } *Example for filter_keep*:: filter_keep = { 'f_1': {'variable': ['CO2', 'CH4'], 'region': 'USA'}, 'f_2': {'variable': 'N2O'} } This example filter keeps all CO2 and CH4 data for the USA and N2O data for all countries *Example for filter_remove*:: filter_remove = { 'f_1': {'scenario': 'HISTORY'}, } This filter removes all data with 'HISTORY' as scenario """ # Check and prepare arguments if coords_defaults is None: coords_defaults = {} if add_coords_cols is None: add_coords_cols = {} if meta_data is None: attrs = {} else: attrs = meta_data.copy() check_mandatory_dimensions(coords_cols, coords_defaults) check_overlapping_specifications(coords_cols, coords_defaults) if add_coords_cols: check_overlapping_specifications_add_cols(coords_cols, add_coords_cols) # if desired make a copy to keep input dataframe unchanged if copy_df: data_copy = data_long.copy(deep=True) else: data_copy = data_long filter_data(data_copy, filter_keep, filter_remove) add_dimensions_from_defaults(data_copy, coords_defaults, additional_allowed_coords=["time"]) naming_attrs = rename_columns( data_copy, coords_cols, add_coords_cols, coords_defaults, coords_terminologies ) attrs.update(naming_attrs) if convert_str: # get data columns (just one as we have long format) data_cols = ["data"] # find all string values str_values = find_str_values_in_data(data_copy, data_cols) # create replacement dict str_repl_dict = create_str_replacement_dict(str_values, convert_str) replace_values(data_copy, data_cols, str_repl_dict) additional_coordinates = additional_coordinate_metadata( add_coords_cols, coords_cols, coords_terminologies ) if coords_value_mapping is not None: map_metadata(data_copy, attrs=attrs, meta_mapping=coords_value_mapping) if coords_value_filling is not None: data_copy = fill_from_other_col( data_copy, attrs=attrs, coords_value_filling=coords_value_filling ) coords = list(set(data_copy.columns.values) - {"data"}) harmonize_units(data_copy, dimensions=coords, attrs=attrs) data_copy["time"] = pd.to_datetime(data_copy["time"], format=time_format) data, coords = long_to_wide(data_copy, time_format=time_format) data, coords = sort_columns_and_rows(data, dimensions=coords) dims = coords.copy() for add_coord in add_coords_cols.keys(): dims.remove(add_coord) data.attrs = interchange_format_attrs_dict( xr_attrs=attrs, time_format=time_format, dimensions=dims, additional_coordinates=additional_coordinates, ) return data
[docs] def read_long_csv_file_if( filepath_or_buffer: str | Path | IO, *, coords_cols: dict[str, str], add_coords_cols: None | dict[str, list[str]] = None, coords_defaults: None | dict[str, Any] = None, coords_terminologies: dict[str, str], coords_value_mapping: None | dict[str, Any] = None, coords_value_filling: None | dict[str, dict[str, dict]] = None, filter_keep: None | dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = None, filter_remove: None | dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = None, meta_data: None | dict[str, Any] = None, time_format: str = "%Y-%m-%d", convert_str: bool | dict[str, float] = True, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Read a CSV file in long (tidy) format into the PRIMAP2 interchange format. Columns can be renamed or filled with default values to match the PRIMAP2 structure. Where we refer to "dimensions" in the parameter description below we mean the basic dimension names without the added terminology (e.g. "area" not "area (ISO3)"). The terminology information will be added by this function. You can not use the short dimension names in the attributes (e.g. "cat" instead of "category"). Parameters ---------- filepath_or_buffer: str, pathlib.Path, or file-like Long CSV file which will be read. coords_cols : dict Dict where the keys are column names in the files to be read and the value is the dimension in PRIMAP2. To specify the data column containing the observable, use the "data" key. For secondary categories use a ``sec_cats__`` prefix. add_coords_cols : dict, optional Dict where the keys are PRIMAP2 additional coordinate names and the values are lists with two elements where the first is the column in the csv file to be read and the second is the primap2 dimension for the coordinate (e.g. ``category`` for a ``category_name`` coordinate). coords_defaults : dict, optional Dict for default values of coordinates / dimensions not given in the csv files. The keys are the dimension names and the values are the values for the dimensions. For secondary categories use a ``sec_cats__`` prefix. coords_terminologies : dict Dict defining the terminologies used for the different coordinates (e.g. ISO3 for area). Only possible coordinates here are: area, category, scenario, entity, and secondary categories. For secondary categories use a ``sec_cats__`` prefix. All entries different from "area", "category", "scenario", "entity", and ``sec_cats__<name>`` will raise a ValueError. coords_value_mapping : dict, optional A dict with primap2 dimension names as keys. Values are dicts with input values as keys and output values as values. A standard use case is to map gas names from input data to the standardized names used in primap2. Alternatively a value can also be a function which transforms one CSV metadata value into the new metadata value. A third possibility is to give a string as a value, which defines a rule for translating metadata values. For the "category", "entity", and "unit" columns, the rule "PRIMAP1" is available, which translates from PRIMAP1 metadata to PRIMAP2 metadata. coords_value_filling : dict, optional A dict with primap2 dimension names as keys. These are the target columns where values will be filled (or replaced). Vales are dicts with primap2 dimension names as keys. These are the source columns. The values are dicts with source value - target value mappings. The value filling can do everything that the value mapping can, but while mapping can only replace values within a column using information from that column, the filing function can also fill or replace data based on values from a different column. This can be used to e.g. fill missing category codes based on category names or to replace category codes which do not meet the terminology using the category names. filter_keep : dict, optional Dict defining filters of data to keep. Filtering is done before metadata mapping, so use original metadata values to define the filter. Column names are as in the csv file. Each entry in the dict defines an individual filter. The names of the filters have no relevance. Default: keep all data. filter_remove : dict, optional Dict defining filters of data to remove. Filtering is done before metadata mapping, so use original metadata values to define the filter. Column names are as in the csv file. Each entry in the dict defines an individual filter. The names of the filters have no relevance. meta_data : dict, optional Meta data for the whole dataset. Will end up in the dataset-wide attrs. Allowed keys are "references", "rights", "contact", "title", "comment", "institution", and "history". Documentation about the format and meaning of the meta data can be found in the `data format documentation <\ data_format_details.html#dataset-attributes>`_. time_format : str, optional strftime style format used to format the time information for the data columns in the interchange format. Default: "%F", i.e. the ISO 8601 date format. convert_str : bool or dict, optional (default: True) If set to false, string values in the data columns will be kept. If set to true they will be converted to np.nan or 0 following default rules. If a dict is given mapping will be as given in the dict for values present in the dict and default as in parse_code for all other values Returns ------- obj: pd.DataFrame pandas DataFrame with the read data Examples -------- *Example for meta_mapping*:: meta_mapping = { 'pyCPA_col_1': {'col_1_value_1_in': 'col_1_value_1_out', 'col_1_value_2_in': 'col_1_value_2_out', }, 'pyCPA_col_2': {'col_2_value_1_in': 'col_2_value_1_out', 'col_2_value_2_in': 'col_2_value_2_out', }, } *Example for filter_keep*:: filter_keep = { 'f_1': {'variable': ['CO2', 'CH4'], 'region': 'USA'}, 'f_2': {'variable': 'N2O'} } This example filter keeps all CO2 and CH4 data for the USA and N2O data for all countries *Example for filter_remove*:: filter_remove = { 'f_1': {'scenario': 'HISTORY'}, } This filter removes all data with 'HISTORY' as scenario """ check_mandatory_dimensions(coords_cols, coords_defaults) check_overlapping_specifications(coords_cols, coords_defaults) if add_coords_cols: check_overlapping_specifications_add_cols(coords_cols, add_coords_cols) data_long = read_long_csv(filepath_or_buffer, coords_cols, add_coords_cols) return convert_long_dataframe_if( data_long=data_long, coords_cols=coords_cols, add_coords_cols=add_coords_cols, coords_defaults=coords_defaults, coords_terminologies=coords_terminologies, coords_value_mapping=coords_value_mapping, coords_value_filling=coords_value_filling, filter_keep=filter_keep, filter_remove=filter_remove, meta_data=meta_data, time_format=time_format, convert_str=convert_str, copy_df=False, )
def long_to_wide(data_long: pd.DataFrame, *, time_format: str) -> tuple[pd.DataFrame, list[str]]: data_long["time"] = data_long["time"].dt.strftime(time_format) coords = list(set(data_long.columns.values) - {"data", "time"}) # unit is neither a coordinate nor a data column, so has to be handled separately unit = data_long[coords].drop_duplicates() coords.remove("unit") unit.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(unit[coords]) series = data_long["data"] series.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(data_long[[*coords, "time"]]) data = series.unstack("time") data["unit"] = unit["unit"] data.reset_index(inplace=True) = None return data, [*coords, "unit"]
[docs] def convert_wide_dataframe_if( data_wide: pd.DataFrame, *, coords_cols: dict[str, str], add_coords_cols: None | dict[str, list[str]] = None, coords_defaults: None | dict[str, Any] = None, coords_terminologies: dict[str, str], coords_value_mapping: None | dict[str, Any] = None, coords_value_filling: None | dict[str, dict[str, dict]] = None, filter_keep: None | dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = None, filter_remove: None | dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = None, meta_data: None | dict[str, Any] = None, time_format: str = "%Y", time_cols: None | list = None, convert_str: bool | dict[str, float] = True, copy_df: bool = False, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Convert a DataFrame in wide format into the PRIMAP2 interchange format. Columns can be renamed or filled with default values to match the PRIMAP2 structure. Where we refer to "dimensions" in the parameter description below we mean the basic dimension names without the added terminology (e.g. "area" not "area (ISO3)"). The terminology information will be added by this function. You can not use the short dimension names in the attributes (e.g. "cat" instead of "category"). TODO: Currently duplicate data points will not be detected. TODO: enable filtering through query strings TODO: enable specification of the entity terminology Parameters ---------- data_wide: pd.DataFrame Wide DataFrame which will be converted. coords_cols : dict Dict where the keys are PRIMAP2 dimension names and the values are column names in the dataframe to be converted. For secondary categories use a ``sec_cats__`` prefix. add_coords_cols : dict, optional Dict where the keys are PRIMAP2 additional coordinate names and the values are lists with two elements where the first is the column in the dataframe to be converted and the second is the primap2 dimension for the coordinate (e.g. ``category`` for a ``category_name`` coordinate. coords_defaults : dict, optional Dict for default values of coordinates / dimensions not given in the dataframe. The keys are the dimension names and the values are the values for the dimensions. For secondary categories use a ``sec_cats__`` prefix. coords_terminologies : dict Dict defining the terminologies used for the different coordinates (e.g. ISO3 for area). Only possible coordinates here are: area, category, scenario, entity, and secondary categories. For secondary categories use a ``sec_cats__`` prefix. All entries different from "area", "category", "scenario", "entity", and ``sec_cats__<name>`` will raise a ValueError. coords_value_mapping : dict, optional A dict with primap2 dimension names as keys. Values are dicts with input values as keys and output values as values. A standard use case is to map gas names from input data to the standardized names used in primap2. Alternatively a value can also be a function which transforms one CSV metadata value into the new metadata value. A third possibility is to give a string as a value, which defines a rule for translating metadata values. The only defined rule at the moment is "PRIMAP1" which can be used for the "category", "entity", and "unit" columns to translate from PRIMAP1 metadata to PRIMAP2 metadata. coords_value_filling : dict, optional A dict with primap2 dimension names as keys. These are the target columns where values will be filled (or replaced). Vales are dicts with primap2 dimension names as keys. These are the source columns. The values are dicts with source value - target value mappings. The value filling can do everything that the value mapping can, but while mapping can only replace values within a column using information from that column, the filing function can also fill or replace data based on values from a different column. This can be used to e.g. fill missing category codes based on category names or to replace category codes which do not meet the terminology using the category names. filter_keep : dict, optional Dict defining filters of data to keep. Filtering is done before metadata mapping, so use original metadata values to define the filter. Column names are as in the csv file. Each entry in the dict defines an individual filter. The names of the filters have no relevance. Default: keep all data. filter_remove : dict, optional Dict defining filters of data to remove. Filtering is done before metadata mapping, so use original metadata values to define the filter. Column names are as in the csv file. Each entry in the dict defines an individual filter. The names of the filters have no relevance. meta_data : dict, optional Meta data for the whole dataset. Will end up in the dataset-wide attrs. Allowed keys are "references", "rights", "contact", "title", "comment", "institution", and "history". Documentation about the format and meaning of the meta data can be found in the `data format documentation <\ data_format_details.html#dataset-attributes>`_. time_format : str str with strftime style format used to parse the time information for the data columns. Default: "%Y", which will match years. time_cols : list, optional List of column names which contain the data for each time point. If not given cols will be inferred using time_format. convert_str : bool or dict, optional (default: True) If set to false, string values in the data columns will be kept. If set to true they will be converted to np.nan or 0 following default rules. If a dict is given mapping will be as given in the dict for values present in the dict and default as in parse_code for all other values copy_df : bool, optional (default: True) If set to true, a copy of the input DataFrame is made to keep the input as is. This negatively impacts speed. If set to false the input DataFrame will be altered but performance will be better Returns ------- obj: pd.DataFrame pandas DataFrame with the read data Examples -------- *Example for meta_mapping*:: meta_mapping = { 'pyCPA_col_1': {'col_1_value_1_in': 'col_1_value_1_out', 'col_1_value_2_in': 'col_1_value_2_out', }, 'pyCPA_col_2': {'col_2_value_1_in': 'col_2_value_1_out', 'col_2_value_2_in': 'col_2_value_2_out', }, } *Example for filter_keep*:: filter_keep = { 'f_1': {'variable': ['CO2', 'CH4'], 'region': 'USA'}, 'f_2': {'variable': 'N2O'} } This example filter keeps all CO2 and CH4 data for the USA and N2O data for all countries *Example for filter_remove*:: filter_remove = { 'f_1': {'scenario': 'HISTORY'}, } This filter removes all data with 'HISTORY' as scenario """ # Check and prepare arguments if coords_defaults is None: coords_defaults = {} if add_coords_cols is None: add_coords_cols = {} if meta_data is None: attrs = {} else: attrs = meta_data.copy() check_mandatory_dimensions(coords_cols, coords_defaults) check_overlapping_specifications(coords_cols, coords_defaults) if add_coords_cols: check_overlapping_specifications_add_cols(coords_cols, add_coords_cols) # get all the columns that are actual data not metadata (usually the years) if time_cols is None: time_columns = [ col for col in data_wide.columns.values if matches_time_format(col, time_format) ] else: time_columns = time_cols # if desired make a copy of the data to not alter the input data if copy_df: data_if = data_wide.copy(deep=True) else: data_if = data_wide filter_data(data_if, filter_keep, filter_remove) if convert_str: # get data columns (just one as we have long format) # find all string values str_values = find_str_values_in_data(data_if, time_columns) # create replacement dict str_repl_dict = create_str_replacement_dict(str_values, convert_str) replace_values(data_if, time_columns, str_repl_dict) add_dimensions_from_defaults(data_if, coords_defaults) naming_attrs = rename_columns( data_if, coords_cols, add_coords_cols, coords_defaults, coords_terminologies ) attrs.update(naming_attrs) additional_coordinates = additional_coordinate_metadata( add_coords_cols, coords_cols, coords_terminologies ) if coords_value_mapping is not None: map_metadata(data_if, attrs=attrs, meta_mapping=coords_value_mapping) if coords_value_filling is not None: data_if = fill_from_other_col( data_if, attrs=attrs, coords_value_filling=coords_value_filling ) coords = list(set(data_if.columns.values) - set(time_columns)) harmonize_units(data_if, dimensions=coords, attrs=attrs) data_if, coords = sort_columns_and_rows(data_if, dimensions=coords) dims = coords.copy() for add_coord in add_coords_cols.keys(): dims.remove(add_coord) data_if.attrs = interchange_format_attrs_dict( xr_attrs=attrs, time_format=time_format, dimensions=dims, additional_coordinates=additional_coordinates, ) return data_if
[docs] def read_wide_csv_file_if( filepath_or_buffer: str | Path | IO, *, coords_cols: dict[str, str], add_coords_cols: None | dict[str, list[str]] = None, coords_defaults: None | dict[str, Any] = None, coords_terminologies: dict[str, str], coords_value_mapping: None | dict[str, Any] = None, coords_value_filling: None | dict[str, dict[str, dict]] = None, filter_keep: None | dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = None, filter_remove: None | dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = None, meta_data: None | dict[str, Any] = None, time_format: str = "%Y", convert_str: bool | dict[str, float] = True, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Read a CSV file in wide format into the PRIMAP2 interchange format. Columns can be renamed or filled with default values to match the PRIMAP2 structure. Where we refer to "dimensions" in the parameter description below we mean the basic dimension names without the added terminology (e.g. "area" not "area (ISO3)"). The terminology information will be added by this function. You can not use the short dimension names in the attributes (e.g. "cat" instead of "category"). TODO: Currently duplicate data points will not be detected. TODO: enable filtering through query strings TODO: enable specification of the entity terminology Parameters ---------- filepath_or_buffer: str, pathlib.Path, or file-like Wide CSV file which will be read. coords_cols : dict Dict where the keys are PRIMAP2 dimensions and the values are column names in the files to be read. For secondary categories use a ``sec_cats__`` prefix. add_coords_cols : dict, optional Dict where the keys are PRIMAP2 additional coordinate names and the values are lists with two elements where the first is the column in the csv file to be read and the second is the primap2 dimension for the coordinate (e.g. ``category`` for a ``category_name`` coordinate. coords_defaults : dict, optional Dict for default values of coordinates / dimensions not given in the csv files. The keys are the dimension names and the values are the values for the dimensions. For secondary categories use a ``sec_cats__`` prefix. coords_terminologies : dict Dict defining the terminologies used for the different coordinates (e.g. ISO3 for area). Only possible coordinates here are: area, category, scenario, entity, and secondary categories. For secondary categories use a ``sec_cats__`` prefix. All entries different from "area", "category", "scenario", "entity", and ``sec_cats__<name>`` will raise a ValueError. coords_value_mapping : dict, optional A dict with primap2 dimension names as keys. Values are dicts with input values as keys and output values as values. A standard use case is to map gas names from input data to the standardized names used in primap2. Alternatively a value can also be a function which transforms one CSV metadata value into the new metadata value. A third possibility is to give a string as a value, which defines a rule for translating metadata values. The only defined rule at the moment is "PRIMAP1" which can be used for the "category", "entity", and "unit" columns to translate from PRIMAP1 metadata to PRIMAP2 metadata. coords_value_filling : dict, optional A dict with primap2 dimension names as keys. These are the target columns where values will be filled (or replaced). Vales are dicts with primap2 dimension names as keys. These are the source columns. The values are dicts with source value - target value mappings. The value filling can do everything that the value mapping can, but while mapping can only replace values within a column using information from that column, the filing function can also fill or replace data based on values from a different column. This can be used to e.g. fill missing category codes based on category names or to replace category codes which do not meet the terminology using the category names. filter_keep : dict, optional Dict defining filters of data to keep. Filtering is done before metadata mapping, so use original metadata values to define the filter. Column names are as in the csv file. Each entry in the dict defines an individual filter. The names of the filters have no relevance. Default: keep all data. filter_remove : dict, optional Dict defining filters of data to remove. Filtering is done before metadata mapping, so use original metadata values to define the filter. Column names are as in the csv file. Each entry in the dict defines an individual filter. The names of the filters have no relevance. meta_data : dict, optional Meta data for the whole dataset. Will end up in the dataset-wide attrs. Allowed keys are "references", "rights", "contact", "title", "comment", "institution", and "history". Documentation about the format and meaning of the meta data can be found in the `data format documentation <\ data_format_details.html#dataset-attributes>`_. time_format : str, optional strftime style format used to parse the time information for the data columns. Default: "%Y", which will match years. convert_str : bool or dict, optional (default: True) If set to false, string values in the data columns will be kept. If set to true they will be converted to np.nan or 0 following default rules. If a dict is given mapping will be as given in the dict for values present in the dict and default as in parse_code for all other values Returns ------- obj: pd.DataFrame pandas DataFrame with the read data Examples -------- *Example for meta_mapping*:: meta_mapping = { 'pyCPA_col_1': {'col_1_value_1_in': 'col_1_value_1_out', 'col_1_value_2_in': 'col_1_value_2_out', }, 'pyCPA_col_2': {'col_2_value_1_in': 'col_2_value_1_out', 'col_2_value_2_in': 'col_2_value_2_out', }, } *Example for filter_keep*:: filter_keep = { 'f_1': {'variable': ['CO2', 'CH4'], 'region': 'USA'}, 'f_2': {'variable': 'N2O'} } This example filter keeps all CO2 and CH4 data for the USA and N2O data for all countries *Example for filter_remove*:: filter_remove = { 'f_1': {'scenario': 'HISTORY'}, } This filter removes all data with 'HISTORY' as scenario """ # Check and prepare arguments if coords_defaults is None: coords_defaults = {} check_mandatory_dimensions(coords_cols, coords_defaults) check_overlapping_specifications(coords_cols, coords_defaults) if add_coords_cols: check_overlapping_specifications_add_cols(coords_cols, add_coords_cols) data, time_columns = read_wide_csv( filepath_or_buffer, coords_cols, add_coords_cols=add_coords_cols, time_format=time_format, ) data = convert_wide_dataframe_if( data, coords_cols=coords_cols, add_coords_cols=add_coords_cols, coords_defaults=coords_defaults, coords_terminologies=coords_terminologies, coords_value_mapping=coords_value_mapping, coords_value_filling=coords_value_filling, filter_keep=filter_keep, filter_remove=filter_remove, meta_data=meta_data, time_format=time_format, time_cols=time_columns, convert_str=convert_str, copy_df=False, ) return data
def interchange_format_attrs_dict( *, xr_attrs: dict, time_format: str, dimensions, additional_coordinates: None | dict = None, ) -> dict: metadata = { "attrs": xr_attrs, "time_format": time_format, "dimensions": {"*": dimensions.copy()}, } if additional_coordinates: metadata["additional_coordinates"] = additional_coordinates return metadata def additional_coordinate_metadata( add_coords_cols: dict[str, list[str]], coords_cols: dict[str, str], coords_terminologies: dict[str, str], ) -> dict: """Create the `additional_coordinates` dict and do a few consistency checks""" additional_coordinates = {} for coord in add_coords_cols: if coord in coords_terminologies: logger.error( f"Additional coordinate {coord} has terminology definition. " f"This is currently not supported by PRIMAP2." ) raise ValueError( f"Additional coordinate {coord} has terminology definition. " f"This is currently not supported by PRIMAP2." ) if add_coords_cols[coord][1] not in coords_cols: logger.error( f"Additional coordinate {coord} refers to unknown coordinate " f"{add_coords_cols[coord][1]}. " ) raise ValueError( f"Additional coordinate {coord} refers to unknown coordinate " f"{add_coords_cols[coord][1]}. " ) if add_coords_cols[coord][1] in coords_terminologies: additional_coordinates[coord] = ( f"{add_coords_cols[coord][1]} ({coords_terminologies[add_coords_cols[coord][1]]})" ) else: additional_coordinates[coord] = add_coords_cols[coord][1] return additional_coordinates def check_mandatory_dimensions( coords_cols: dict[str, str], coords_defaults: dict[str, Any], ): """Check if all mandatory dimensions are specified.""" for coord in INTERCHANGE_FORMAT_MANDATORY_COLUMNS: if coord not in coords_cols and coord not in coords_defaults: logger.error( f"Mandatory dimension {coord!r} not found in coords_cols={coords_cols}" f" or coords_defaults={coords_defaults}." ) raise ValueError(f"Mandatory dimension {coord!r} not defined.") def check_overlapping_specifications( coords_cols: dict[str, str], coords_defaults: dict[str, Any], ): both = set(coords_cols.keys()).intersection(set(coords_defaults.keys())) if both: logger.error( f"{both!r} is given in coords_cols and coords_defaults, but" f" it must only be given in one of them." ) raise ValueError(f"{both!r} given in coords_cols and coords_defaults.") def check_overlapping_specifications_add_cols( coords_cols: dict[str, str], add_coords_cols: dict[str, Any], ): cols_add = [val[0] for val in add_coords_cols.values()] both = set(coords_cols.values()).intersection(set(cols_add)) if both: logger.error( f"columns {both!r} used for dimensions and additional coordinates, but" f" should be used in only one of them." ) raise ValueError(f"{both!r} given in coords_cols and add_coords_cols.") def matches_time_format(value: str, time_format: str) -> bool: try: datetime.datetime.strptime(value, time_format) return True except ValueError: return False def read_wide_csv( filepath_or_buffer, coords_cols: dict[str, str], add_coords_cols: None | dict[str, list[str]] = None, time_format: str = "%Y", ) -> tuple[pd.DataFrame, list[str]]: data = pd.read_csv( filepath_or_buffer, ) # get all the columns that are actual data not metadata (usually the years) time_cols = [col for col in data.columns.values if matches_time_format(col, time_format)] # remove all cols not in the specification columns = data.columns.values if add_coords_cols: add_coords_col_names = {value[0] for value in add_coords_cols.values()} else: add_coords_col_names = set() data.drop( columns=list( set(columns) - set(coords_cols.values()) - add_coords_col_names - set(time_cols) ), inplace=True, ) # check that all cols in the specification could be read missing = set(coords_cols.values()) - set(data.columns.values) if missing: logger.error( f"Column(s) {missing} specified in coords_cols, but not found in " f"the CSV file {filepath_or_buffer!r}." ) raise ValueError(f"Columns {missing} not found in CSV.") return data, time_cols def read_long_csv( filepath_or_buffer, coords_cols: dict[str, str], add_coords_cols: None | dict[str, list[str]] = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: if "data" not in coords_cols: raise ValueError("No data column in the CSV specified in coords_cols, so nothing to read.") if "time" in coords_cols: parse_dates = [coords_cols["time"]] else: parse_dates = False if add_coords_cols: add_coords_col_names = {value[0] for value in add_coords_cols.values()} else: add_coords_col_names = set() usecols = list(coords_cols.values()) + list(add_coords_col_names) data = pd.read_csv( filepath_or_buffer, parse_dates=parse_dates, usecols=usecols, ) return data def spec_to_query_string(filter_spec: dict[str, Any]) -> str: """Convert filter specification to query string. All column conditions in the filter are combined with &. """ queries = [] for col in filter_spec: if isinstance(filter_spec[col], list): itemlist = ", ".join(repr(x) for x in filter_spec[col]) filter_query = f"`{col}` in [{itemlist}]" else: filter_query = f"`{col}` == {filter_spec[col]!r}" queries.append(filter_query) return " & ".join(queries) def filter_data( data: pd.DataFrame, filter_keep: None | dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = None, filter_remove: None | dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = None, ): # Filters for keeping data are combined with "or" so that # everything matching at least one rule is kept. if filter_keep: queries = [] for filter_spec in filter_keep.values(): q = spec_to_query_string(filter_spec) queries.append(f"({q})") query = " | ".join(queries) data.query(query, inplace=True) # Filters for removing data are negated and combined with "and" so that # only rows which don't match any rule are kept. if filter_remove: queries = [] for filter_spec in filter_remove.values(): q = spec_to_query_string(filter_spec) queries.append(f"~({q})") query = " & ".join(queries) data.query(query, inplace=True) data.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) def fill_from_other_col( df: pd.DataFrame, *, coords_value_filling: dict[str, dict[str, dict[str, str]]], attrs: dict[str, Any], ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ This function fills value in one column based on values in other columns. It can be used to fill NaN values or to replace e.g. non-standard or non-unique category codes based on category names. It operates on pandas DataFrames. Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame Data to operate on coords_value_filling : dict A dict with primap2 dimension names as keys. These are the target columns where values will be filled (or replaced). Values are dicts with primap2 dimension names as keys. These are the source columns. The values are dicts with source value - target value mappings. This can be used to e.g. fill missing category codes based on category names or to replace category codes which do not meet the terminology using the category names. attrs : dict Dataset attributes Returns ------- pd.DataFrame """ dim_aliases = _selection.translations_from_dims(df.columns) # loop over target columns in value mapping for target_col in coords_value_filling: target_info = coords_value_filling[target_col] # loop over source columns for source_col in target_info: mapping_info = target_info[source_col] # loop over cases target_col_name = dim_aliases.get(target_col, target_col) source_col_name = dim_aliases.get(source_col, source_col) for source_value in mapping_info: df.loc[df[source_col_name] == source_value, target_col_name] = df.loc[ df[source_col_name] == source_value, target_col_name ] = mapping_info[source_value] return df def add_dimensions_from_defaults( data: pd.DataFrame, coords_defaults: dict[str, Any], additional_allowed_coords: Iterable[str] = (), ): if_columns = ( INTERCHANGE_FORMAT_OPTIONAL_COLUMNS + INTERCHANGE_FORMAT_MANDATORY_COLUMNS + list(additional_allowed_coords) ) for coord in coords_defaults: if coord in if_columns or coord.startswith(SEC_CATS_PREFIX): # add column to dataframe with default value data[coord] = coords_defaults[coord] else: raise ValueError( f"{coord!r} given in coords_defaults is unknown - prefix with " f"{SEC_CATS_PREFIX!r} to add a secondary category." ) def map_metadata( data: pd.DataFrame, *, meta_mapping: dict[str, str | Callable | dict], attrs: dict[str, Any], ): """Map the metadata according to specifications given in meta_mapping. First map entity, then the rest. """ meta_mapping_copy = meta_mapping.copy() if "entity" in meta_mapping: meta_mapping_entity = dict(entity=meta_mapping_copy["entity"]) meta_mapping_copy.pop("entity") map_metadata_unordered(data, meta_mapping=meta_mapping_entity, attrs=attrs) map_metadata_unordered(data, meta_mapping=meta_mapping_copy, attrs=attrs) def map_metadata_unordered( data: pd.DataFrame, *, meta_mapping: dict[str, str | Callable | dict], attrs: dict[str, Any], ): """Map the metadata according to specifications given in meta_mapping.""" dim_aliases = _selection.translations_from_dims(data) # TODO: add additional mapping functions here # values: (function, additional arguments) mapping_functions = { "PRIMAP1": { "category": (_conversion.convert_ipcc_code_primap_to_primap2, []), "entity": (_conversion.convert_entity_gwp_primap_to_primap2, []), "unit": ( _conversion.convert_unit_to_primap2, [dim_aliases.get("entity", "entity")], ), } } meta_mapping_df = {} # preprocess meta_mapping for column, mapping in meta_mapping.items(): column_name = dim_aliases.get(column, column) if isinstance(mapping, str) or callable(mapping): if isinstance(mapping, str): # need to translate to function first try: func, args = mapping_functions[mapping][column] except KeyError: logger.error( f"Unknown metadata mapping {mapping!r} for column {column!r}, " f"known mappings are: {list(mapping_functions.keys())}." ) raise ValueError( f"Unknown metadata mapping {mapping!r} for column {column!r}." ) from None else: func = mapping args = [] if not args: # simple case: no additional args needed values_to_map = data[column_name].unique() values_mapped = map(func, values_to_map) meta_mapping_df[column_name] = dict(zip(values_to_map, values_mapped, strict=False)) else: # need to supply additional arguments # this can't be handled using the replace()-call later since the # mapped values don't depend on the original values only, therefore # we do it directly sel = [column_name, *args] values_to_map = np.unique(data[sel].to_records(index=False)) for vals_to_map in values_to_map: # we replace values where all the arguments match - build a # selector for that, then do the replacement selector = data[column_name] == vals_to_map[0] for i, arg in enumerate(args): selector &= data[arg] == vals_to_map[i + 1] data.loc[selector, column_name] = func(*vals_to_map) else: meta_mapping_df[column_name] = mapping data.replace(meta_mapping_df, inplace=True) def rename_columns( data: pd.DataFrame, coords_cols: dict[str, str], add_coords_cols: dict[str, list[str]], coords_defaults: dict[str, Any], coords_terminologies: dict[str, str], ) -> dict: """Rename columns to match PRIMAP2 specifications and generate the corresponding dataset-wide attrs for PRIMAP2. """ attr_names = {"category": "cat", "scenario": "scen", "area": "area"} attrs = {} coord_renaming = {} for coord in itertools.chain(coords_cols, coords_defaults): if coord in coords_terminologies: name = f"{coord} ({coords_terminologies[coord]})" if coord == "entity": attrs["entity_terminology"] = coords_terminologies[coord] else: name = coord if coord.startswith(SEC_CATS_PREFIX): name = name[len(SEC_CATS_PREFIX) :] elif coord in attr_names: attrs[attr_names[coord]] = name coord_renaming[coords_cols.get(coord, coord)] = name for coord in add_coords_cols: coord_renaming[add_coords_cols[coord][0]] = coord data.rename(columns=coord_renaming, inplace=True) return attrs _special_codes = { "C": np.nan, "nan": np.nan, "NaN": np.nan, "-": 0, "NE0": np.nan, "": np.nan, } def is_float(to_test: Any) -> bool: try: float(to_test) return True except ValueError: return False def find_str_values_in_data( data: pd.DataFrame, columns: list[str], ) -> list: """Find all string values occurring in given columns of a DataFrame""" # limit our analysis to columns that contain strings # (or other object types) cols_with_strs = data[columns].select_dtypes(include=[object]).columns.values.tolist() temp = [] for col in cols_with_strs: temp += list(data[col].unique()) temp = list(set(temp)) strs = [x for x in temp if not is_float(x)] return strs def parse_code(code: str) -> float: """Parse a string code and return 0 or np.nan based on rules to interpret the codes. """ code = code.strip() if code in _special_codes: return _special_codes[code] parts = code.split(",") parts = [x.replace(".", "").strip().upper() for x in parts] if "IE" in parts or "NO" in parts: return 0 if "NE" in parts or "NA" in parts: return np.nan raise ValueError(f"Could not parse code: {code!r}.") def create_str_replacement_dict( strs: list[str], user_str_conv: bool | dict[str, float], ) -> dict[str, str]: """Create a dict for replacement of strings by NaN and 0 based on general rules and user defined rules """ if isinstance(user_str_conv, bool): if user_str_conv: user_str_conv = {} elif isinstance(user_str_conv, dict): pass else: raise ValueError( f"Input for user_str_conv to create_str_replacement_dict" f" has to be a bool or a dict. {user_str_conv} is neither." ) mapping = {} for str_val in strs: if str_val in user_str_conv: mapping[str_val] = user_str_conv[str_val] else: mapping[str_val] = parse_code(str_val) return mapping def replace_values(data: pd.DataFrame, columns: list[str], na_repl_dict): """Replace str values indicating not-a-number by float NaN.""" for col in columns: data[col] = data[col].replace(na_repl_dict) data[col] = pd.to_numeric(data[col], errors="coerce") data[col] = data[col].astype("float64", copy=False, errors="ignore") def preferred_unit(entity: str, units: dict[str, str]) -> str | None: """Choose the preferred unit for the given entity. In general, "Gg <substance> / year" will be preferred if it is compatible with the given input units. Otherwise, the first unit from units will be preferred. Parameters ---------- entity: str Basic entity, e.g. a gas. units: dict of str, str Keys are the units which are in use for the entity and values the global warming potential specifications which will be used for the conversion. By specifying the gwp_context to use, you can make sure that it will be possible to convert from the input units to the output unit with the given gwp. If not applicable for a unit use None Returns ------- preferred_unit: str The best unit for the given entity and units. Examples -------- >>> preferred_unit("CO2", {"kt CO2 / yr": None, "mg CO2 / s": None}) 'Gg CO2 / yr' >>> preferred_unit("CH4", {"kt CO2 / yr": "AR4GWP100"}) 'Gg CH4 / yr' >>> preferred_unit("CH4", {"kt CO2 / yr": None, "Mg CH4 / yr": None}) None >>> preferred_unit("CH4", {"kt CO2 / yr": "AR4GWP100", "Gg CO2 / yr": "SARGWP100"}) 'Gg CH4 / yr' >>> preferred_unit("KYOTOGHG", {"kt CO2 / yr": "AR4GWP100", "Gg CO2 / yr": "SARGWP100"}) """ unit_fallback = next(iter(units.keys())) context_fallback = units[unit_fallback] # check if all can be converted to native or fallback units native_conv = [] fb_conv = [] native_unit = "Gg " + entity + " / yr" for unit in units: conversion_contexts = [] if units[unit] is not None: conversion_contexts.append(units[unit]) # check if conversion to native unit is possible try: # print(f"Testing conversion from {ureg[unit_fallback].units} to " # f"{ureg[native_unit].units} for {entity}.") if ureg(unit).is_compatible_with(ureg[native_unit], *conversion_contexts): native_conv.append(True) else: native_conv.append(False) except pint.UndefinedUnitError: # we have a gas basket or something unknown, so no conversion to native unit # print(f"Exception occurred for entity {entity}") native_conv.append(False) pass # check if conversion to fallback unit is possible if units[unit] != context_fallback: fb_conv.append(False) pass else: try: # print(f"Testing conversion from {ureg[unit_fallback].units} to " # f"{ureg[native_unit].units} for {entity}.") if ureg(unit).is_compatible_with(ureg[unit_fallback], *conversion_contexts): fb_conv.append(True) else: fb_conv.append(False) except pint.UndefinedUnitError: # we have a gas basket or something unknown, so no conversion to native # unit # print(f"Exception occurred for entity {entity}") fb_conv.append(False) pass if all(native_conv): # print(f"converting {entity} to native unit {native_unit}") return native_unit elif all(fb_conv): # print(f"converting {entity} to fallback unit {unit_fallback}") return unit_fallback else: return None def harmonize_units( data: pd.DataFrame, *, unit_col: None | str = None, attrs: None | dict = None, dimensions: Iterable[str], ) -> None: """Harmonize the units of the input data. For each entity, convert all time series to the same unit (the native unit or the unit that occurs first if conversion to the native unit is not possible). Units must already be in PRIMAP2 style. As unit handling is tricky and with new units new problem occur this function has a lot of (currently commented) debug output Parameters ---------- data: pd.DataFrame data for which the units should be harmonized unit_col: str, optional column name for unit column. Default: "unit" attrs: dict, optional attrs defining the aliasing of columns. If attrs contains "entity_terminology", "entity (<entity_terminology>)" will be used as the entity column, otherwise simply "entity" will be used as the entity column. dimensions: list of str the dimensions, i.e. the metadata columns. Returns ------- None The data is altered in place. """ # we need to convert the data such that we have one unit per entity data_cols = list(set(data.columns.values) - set(dimensions)) if attrs is not None: dim_aliases = _selection.translations_from_dims(data.columns) entity_col = dim_aliases.get("entity", "entity") else: entity_col = "entity" if unit_col is None: unit_col = dim_aliases.get("unit", "unit") # find basic entities for all entities and make a list entities = data[entity_col].unique() basic_entities = {} # print(entities) for entity in entities: # check if GWP given in entity # print(f"entity: {entity}") gwp_match = re.findall(r"\(([A-Z0-9]*)\)$", entity) if gwp_match: gwp_to_use = gwp_match[0] basic_entity = re.findall(r"^[^\(\)\s]*", entity) basic_entity = basic_entity[0] else: gwp_to_use = None basic_entity = entity # print(f"gwp: {gwp_to_use}") # print(f"basic_entity: {basic_entity}") if basic_entity in basic_entities: basic_entities[basic_entity][entity] = gwp_to_use else: basic_entities[basic_entity] = {entity: gwp_to_use} for basic_entity in basic_entities: # print(f"basic_entity: {basic_entity}") # print(f"entities: {basic_entities[basic_entity]}") # get all units for this entity data_this_basic_entity = data.loc[data[entity_col].isin(basic_entities[basic_entity])] units_this_basic_entity = data_this_basic_entity[unit_col].unique() unit_gwp_this_basic_entity = {} gwp_conversion_this_basic_entity = False for entity in basic_entities[basic_entity].keys(): data_this_entity = data_this_basic_entity.loc[data[entity_col] == entity] units_this_entity = data_this_entity[unit_col].unique() for unit in units_this_entity: unit_gwp_this_basic_entity[unit] = basic_entities[basic_entity][entity] if basic_entities[basic_entity][entity] is not None: gwp_conversion_this_basic_entity = True if len(units_this_basic_entity) > 1 or gwp_conversion_this_basic_entity: # need unit conversion. # determine unit to convert all units to. If none is found no conversion # is carried out at all unit_to = preferred_unit(basic_entity, unit_gwp_this_basic_entity) # print(f"basic_entity: {basic_entity}, unit_to: {unit_to}") if unit_to is not None: # print(f"unit conversion for {basic_entity}, " # f"{basic_entities[basic_entity]}") for entity in basic_entities[basic_entity]: data_this_entity = data.loc[data[entity_col] == entity] units_this_entity = data_this_entity[unit_col].unique() for unit in units_this_entity: if unit != unit_to: # print(f"Working on unit {unit}") unit_pint = ureg[unit] # could add a try except block here to throw and log an # error or add error info in DF instead of crashing gwp_this_entity = basic_entities[basic_entity][entity] if gwp_this_entity: with ureg.context(gwp_this_entity): unit_pint = else: unit_pint = # print(f"Pint unit is {unit_pint}") factor = unit_pint.magnitude # print(f"Converting with factor {factor} to unit # {unit_to}") mask = (data[entity_col] == entity) & (data[unit_col] == unit) # print(data.loc[mask, data_cols]) try: data.loc[mask, data_cols] *= factor except TypeError: # print(data.loc[mask, data_cols]) strs = find_str_values_in_data(data, data_cols) logger.error( f"The following string values are present and " f"can not be converted during unit conversion: " f"{strs}." ) raise ValueError( f"String values {strs} prevent unit conversion." ) from None data.loc[mask, unit_col] = unit_to # if entity differs from basic entity and the units are not # compatible we had GWP conversion and have to adapt the entity if (entity != basic_entity) and not ureg(unit).is_compatible_with( ureg[unit_to] ): # entity was converted entity_mask = data[entity_col] == entity # print(f"Changing entity from {entity} to {basic_entity}") data.loc[entity_mask, entity_col] = basic_entity def sort_columns_and_rows( data: pd.DataFrame, dimensions: Iterable[str], ) -> tuple[pd.DataFrame, list[str]]: """Sort the data. The columns are ordered according to the order in INTERCHANGE_FORMAT_COLUMN_ORDER, with secondary categories alphabetically after the category and all date columns in order at the end. The rows are ordered by values of the non-date columns. Parameters ---------- data: pd.DataFrame data which should be ordered dimensions: list of str the dimensions, i.e. the metadata columns. Returns ------- sorted, dimensions_sorted : (pd.DataFrame, list of str) the input data frame with columns and rows ordered and the dimensions sorted. """ time_cols = list(set(data.columns.values) - set(dimensions)) other_cols = list(dimensions) cols_sorted = [] for col in INTERCHANGE_FORMAT_COLUMN_ORDER: for ocol in other_cols: if ocol == col or (isinstance(ocol, str) and ocol.startswith(f"{col} (")): cols_sorted.append(ocol) other_cols.remove(ocol) break cols_sorted += list(sorted(other_cols)) data: pd.DataFrame = data[cols_sorted + list(sorted(time_cols))] data.sort_values(by=cols_sorted, inplace=True) data.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) return data, cols_sorted