Source code for primap2.pm2io._interchange_format

import csv
import itertools
import re
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import strictyaml as sy
import xarray as xr
from loguru import logger
from ruamel.yaml import YAML

# entity is mandatory in the interchange format because it is transformed
# into the variables
# unit is mandatory in the interchange format because it is transformed
# into the pint units
INTERCHANGE_FORMAT_MANDATORY_COLUMNS = ["area", "source", "entity", "unit"]
INTERCHANGE_FORMAT_OPTIONAL_COLUMNS = ["category", "scenario", "provenance", "model"]

        sy.Optional("data_file"): sy.Str(),
        "attrs": sy.Map(
                "area": sy.Str(),
                sy.Optional("cat"): sy.Str(),
                sy.Optional("sec_cats"): sy.Seq(sy.Str()),
                sy.Optional("scen"): sy.Str(),
                sy.Optional("references"): sy.Str(),
                sy.Optional("rights"): sy.Str(),
                sy.Optional("contact"): sy.Str(),
                sy.Optional("title"): sy.Str(),
                sy.Optional("comment"): sy.Str(),
                sy.Optional("institution"): sy.Str(),
                sy.Optional("history"): sy.Str(),
                sy.Optional("entity_terminology"): sy.Str(),
                sy.Optional("publication_date"): sy.Datetime(),
        "dimensions": sy.MapPattern(sy.Str(), sy.Seq(sy.Str())),
        "time_format": sy.Str(),
        sy.Optional("additional_coordinates"): sy.MapPattern(sy.Str(), sy.Str()),
        sy.Optional("dtypes"): sy.MapPattern(sy.Str(), sy.Str()),

def dates_to_dimension(ds: xr.Dataset, time_format: str = "%Y") -> xr.DataArray:
    This function converts a xr.Dataset where each time point is an individual
    data variable to a xr.DataArray with a time dimension.
    All variables which are not in the index are assumed to be time points.

    ds : xr.Dataset
        Dataset with individual time points as data variables

    time_format : str
        format string for the time points. Default: %Y (for year only)

    reduced: xr.DataArray
        xr.DataArray with the time as a dimension and time points as values
    empty_vars = (x for x in ds if ds[x].count() == 0)
    da = ds.drop_vars(empty_vars).to_array("time")
    da["time"] = pd.to_datetime(da["time"].values, format=time_format, exact=False)
    return da

def metadata_for_variable(unit: str, variable: str) -> dict[str, str]:
    """Convert a primap2 unit and variable key to a metadata dict.

    Derives the information needed for the data variable's attrs dict from the unit
    and the variable's key.
    Takes GWP information from the variable name in primap2 style (if present).

    unit: str
        unit to be stored in the attrs dict
    variable: str
        entity to process

    attrs: dict
        attrs for use in DataArray.attrs


    >>> metadata_for_variable("Gg CO2 / year", "Kyoto-GHG (SARGWP100)")
    {'units': 'Gg CO2 / year', 'gwp_context': 'SARGWP100', 'entity': 'Kyoto-GHG'}

    attrs = {}
    if unit != "no unit":
        attrs["units"] = unit

    regex_gwp = r"\s\(([A-Za-z0-9]*)\)$"
    gwp = re.findall(regex_gwp, variable)

    if gwp:
        attrs["gwp_context"] = gwp[0]

        regex_variable = r"^(.*)\s\([a-zA-z0-9]*\)$"
        entity = re.findall(regex_variable, variable)
        if not entity:
            logger.error(f"Can't extract entity from {variable}")
            raise ValueError(f"Can't extract entity from {variable}")
        attrs["entity"] = entity[0]
        attrs["entity"] = variable
    return attrs

[docs] def write_interchange_format( filepath: Union[str, Path], data: pd.DataFrame, attrs: Optional[dict] = None ) -> None: """Write dataset in interchange format to disk. Writes an interchange format dataset consisting of a pandas Dataframe and an additional meta data dict to disk. The data is stored in a csv file while the additional metadata is written to a yaml file. Parameters ---------- filepath: str or pathlib.Path path and filename stem for the dataset. If a file ending is given it will be ignored and replaced by .csv for the data and .yaml for the metadata data: pandas.DataFrame DataFrame in PRIMAP2 interchange format attrs: dict, optional Interchange format meta data dict. Default: use data.attrs . """ if attrs is None: attrs = data.attrs.copy() else: attrs = attrs.copy() # make sure filepath is a Path object filepath = Path(filepath) data_file = filepath.parent / (filepath.stem + ".csv") meta_file = filepath.parent / (filepath.stem + ".yaml") # write the data data.to_csv(data_file, index=False, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC) attrs["data_file"] = yaml = YAML() # settings for strictyaml compatibility: don't use flow style or aliases yaml.default_flow_style = False yaml.representer.ignore_aliases = lambda x: True with"w") as fd: yaml.dump(attrs, fd)
[docs] def read_interchange_format( filepath: Union[str, Path], ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Read a dataset in the interchange format from disk into memory. Reads an interchange format dataset from disk. The data is stored in a csv file while the additional metadata is stored in a yaml file. This function takes the yaml file as parameter, the data file is specified in the yaml file. If no or a wrong ending is given the function tries to load a file by the same name with the ending `.yaml`. Parameters ---------- filepath: str or pathlib.Path path and filename for the dataset (the yaml file, not data file). Returns ------- data: pandas.DataFrame DataFrame with the read data in PRIMAP2 interchange format """ filepath = Path(filepath) if not filepath.exists(): filepath = filepath.with_suffix(".yaml") with as meta_file: yaml = sy.load(, schema=INTERCHANGE_FORMAT_STRICTYAML_SCHEMA) meta_data = data_file = filepath.parent / meta_data.get("data_file", filepath.stem + ".csv") if not data_file.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Data file not found at {data_file}.") data = pd.read_csv(data_file, dtype=object) data.attrs = meta_data # strictyaml parses a datetime, we only want a date if "publication_date" in data.attrs["attrs"]: data.attrs["attrs"]["publication_date"] = data.attrs["attrs"][ "publication_date" ].date() # already read in if "data_file" in data.attrs: del data.attrs["data_file"] return data
[docs] def from_interchange_format( data: pd.DataFrame, attrs: Optional[dict] = None, max_array_size: int = 1024 * 1024 * 1024, ) -> xr.Dataset: """Convert dataset from the interchange format to the standard PRIMAP2 format. Converts an interchange format DataFrame with added metadata to a PRIMAP2 xarray data structure. All column names and attrs are expected to be already in PRIMAP2 format as defined for the interchange format. The attrs dict is given explicitly as the attrs functionality in pandas is experimental. Parameters ---------- data: pd.DataFrame pandas DataFrame in PRIMAP2 interchange format. attrs: dict, optional attrs dict as defined for the PRIMAP2 interchange format. Default: use data.attrs. max_array_size: int, optional Maximum permitted projected array size. Larger sizes will raise an exception. Default: 1 G, corresponding to about 4 GB of memory usage. Returns ------- obj: xr.Dataset xr dataset with the converted data """ if attrs is None: attrs = data.attrs.copy() if "entity_terminology" in attrs["attrs"]: entity_col = f"entity ({attrs['attrs']['entity_terminology']})" else: entity_col = "entity" if "additional_coordinates" not in attrs: attrs["additional_coordinates"] = {} # build dicts for additional coordinates add_coord_mapping_dicts = {} for coord in attrs["additional_coordinates"].keys(): values = data[[coord, attrs["additional_coordinates"][coord]]] values = values.drop_duplicates() dim_values = list(values[attrs["additional_coordinates"][coord]]) coord_values = list(values[coord]) if len(coord_values) != len(set(dim_values)): logger.error( f"Different secondary coordinate values for given first coordinate " f"value for {coord}." ) raise ValueError( f"Different secondary coordinate values for given first coordinate " f"value for {coord}." ) add_coord_mapping_dicts[coord] = dict(zip(dim_values, coord_values)) # drop additional coordinates. make a copy first to not alter input DF data_drop = data.drop(columns=attrs["additional_coordinates"].keys(), inplace=False) # find the time columns if_index_cols = set(itertools.chain(*attrs["dimensions"].values())) time_cols = set(data_drop.columns.values) - if_index_cols # convert to xarray data_xr = data_drop.to_xarray() index_cols = if_index_cols - {"unit", "time"} data_xr = data_xr.set_index({"index": list(index_cols)}) # take the units out as they increase dimensionality and we have only one unit per # entity/variable units = data_xr["unit"] del data_xr["unit"] # build full dimensions dict from specification with default from entry "*" entities = np.unique(data_xr[entity_col].values) dimensions = attrs["dimensions"] for entity in entities: if entity not in dimensions: dimensions[entity] = dimensions["*"] if "*" in dimensions: del dimensions["*"] # build full dtypes dict from specification with default float dtypes = attrs.get("dtypes", {}) for entity in entities: if entity not in dtypes: dtypes[entity] = "float" # check resulting shape to estimate memory consumption dim_lens = {dim: len(np.unique(data_xr[dim].dropna("index"))) for dim in index_cols} dim_lens["time"] = len(time_cols) shapes = [] for _, dims in dimensions.items(): shapes.append([dim_lens[dim] for dim in dims if dim != "unit"]) array_size = sum( for shape in shapes) logger.debug(f"Expected array shapes: {shapes}, resulting in size {array_size:,}.") if array_size > max_array_size: logger.error( f"Set with {len(shapes)} entities and a total of {len(index_cols)} " f"dimensions will have a size of {array_size:,} " f"due to the shapes {shapes}. Aborting to avoid out-of-memory errors. To " f"continue, raise max_array_size (currently {max_array_size:,})." ) raise ValueError( f"Resulting array too large: {array_size:,} > {max_array_size:,}. To " f"continue, raise max_array_size." ) # convert time to dimension and entity to variables. if "time_format" in attrs: da = dates_to_dimension(data_xr, time_format=attrs["time_format"]) else: da = dates_to_dimension(data_xr) data_vars = {} for entity, dims in dimensions.items(): da_entity = da.loc[{entity_col: entity}] # we still have a full MultiIndex, so trim it to the relevant dimensions da_entity = da_entity.reset_index(list(index_cols - set(dims)), drop=True) # depending on the version of xarray, an atomic, 0-dimensional coord # for the entity remains. we have to remove it to be able to combine the # dataset afterwards. if entity_col in da_entity.coords: da_entity = da_entity.drop_vars(entity_col) # now we can safely unstack the index data_vars[entity] = da_entity.unstack("index").astype(dtypes[entity]) data_xr = xr.Dataset(data_vars) # add the additional coordinates for coord in attrs["additional_coordinates"].keys(): dim_values_xr = list(data_xr[attrs["additional_coordinates"][coord]].values) coord_values_ordered = [ add_coord_mapping_dicts[coord][value] for value in dim_values_xr ] data_xr = data_xr.assign_coords( { coord: xr.DataArray( data=np.array(coord_values_ordered), coords={ attrs["additional_coordinates"][coord]: data_xr.coords[ attrs["additional_coordinates"][coord] ] }, dims=[attrs["additional_coordinates"][coord]], ) } ) # fill the entity/variable attributes for variable in data_xr: csv_units = np.unique(units.loc[{entity_col: variable}]) if len(csv_units) > 1: logger.error( f"More than one unit for entity {variable!r}: {csv_units!r}. " + "There is an error in the unit harmonization." ) raise ValueError(f"More than one unit for {variable!r}: {csv_units!r}.") data_xr[variable].attrs = metadata_for_variable(csv_units[0], variable) # add the dataset wide attributes data_xr.attrs = attrs["attrs"] data_xr = return data_xr