Data format#

In PRIMAP2, data is handled in xarray datasets with defined coordinates and metadata. If you are not familiar with xarray data structures, we recommend reading xarray’s own primer first.

Let’s start with two examples, one minimal example showing only what is required for a PRIMAP2 data set, and one opulent example showing the flexibility of the format.

# import all the used libraries
import datetime

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr

import primap2
from primap2 import ureg

Minimal example#

This example contains only the required metadata, which are the time, the area, and the source. It also shows how multiple gases and global warming potentials stemming from the gases are included in a single dataset and the use of units.

The example is created with dummy data; note that in real usage, you would read data from a file or API instead.

time = pd.date_range("2000-01-01", "2020-01-01", freq="YS")
area_iso3 = np.array(["COL", "ARG", "MEX", "BOL"])
minimal = xr.Dataset(
        ent: xr.DataArray(
            data=np.random.default_rng().random((len(time), len(area_iso3), 1)),
                "time": time,
                "area (ISO3)": area_iso3,
                "source": ["RAND2020"],
            dims=["time", "area (ISO3)", "source"],
            attrs={"units": f"{ent} Gg / year", "entity": ent},
        for ent in ("CO2", "SF6", "CH4")
    attrs={"area": "area (ISO3)"},

with ureg.context("SARGWP100"):
    minimal["SF6 (SARGWP100)"] = minimal["SF6"]"CO2 Gg / year")
minimal["SF6 (SARGWP100)"].attrs["gwp_context"] = "SARGWP100"

<xarray.Dataset> Size: 3kB
Dimensions:          (time: 21, area (ISO3): 4, source: 1)
  * time             (time) datetime64[ns] 168B 2000-01-01 ... 2020-01-01
  * area (ISO3)      (area (ISO3)) <U3 48B 'COL' 'ARG' 'MEX' 'BOL'
  * source           (source) <U8 32B 'RAND2020'
Data variables:
    CO2              (time, area (ISO3), source) float64 672B [CO2·Gg/a] 0.28...
    SF6              (time, area (ISO3), source) float64 672B [SF6·Gg/a] 0.24...
    CH4              (time, area (ISO3), source) float64 672B [CH4·Gg/a] 0.54...
    SF6 (SARGWP100)  (time, area (ISO3), source) float64 672B [CO2·Gg/a] 5.74...
    area:     area (ISO3)

Explore the dataset by clicking on the icons at the end of the rows, which will show you the metadata attrs and the actual data for each coordinate or variable.


  • For the time coordinate, python datetime objects are used, and the meaning of each data point is therefore directly obvious.

  • For the area coordinate, three-letter country abbreviations are used, and their meaning is not necessarily obvious. Therefore, the key or name for the area coordinate also contains (in parentheses) the used set of categories, here ISO-3166 three-letter country abbreviations. To be able to identify the area coordinate without parsing strings, the data set attrs contain the key-value pair 'area': 'area (ISO3)', which translates from the simple name to the coordinate key including the identifier for the category set.

  • The variables all carry an associated openscm_units unit. It is the same unit for all data points in a variable, but differs between variables because it includes the gas.

  • The attrs of each variable specify the entity of the variable. For simple gases like the CO2 emissions, this is the same as the variable name, but for example for the global warming potential associated with the SF6 emissions, it is different.

  • When a global warming potential is given, the used conversion factors have to be specified explicitly using openscm_units context names, for example SARGWP100 for the global warming potential equivalent factors for a 100-year time horizon specified in the second assessment report.

Opulent example#

The opulent example contains every standard metadata and also shows that the variables in the data set can have a different number of dimensions. Because it aims to show everything, creating it takes some effort, skip to the result unless you are interested in the details.

# create with dummy data
coords = {
    "time": pd.date_range("2000-01-01", "2020-01-01", freq="YS"),
    "area (ISO3)": np.array(["COL", "ARG", "MEX", "BOL"]),
    "category (IPCC 2006)": np.array(["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "1.A", "1.B"]),
    "animal (FAOSTAT)": np.array(["cow", "swine", "goat"]),
    "product (FAOSTAT)": np.array(["milk", "meat"]),
    "scenario (FAOSTAT)": np.array(["highpop", "lowpop"]),
    "provenance": np.array(["projected"]),
    "model": np.array(["FANCYFAO"]),
    "source": np.array(["RAND2020", "RAND2021"]),

opulent = xr.Dataset(
        ent: xr.DataArray(
            data=np.random.default_rng().random(tuple(len(x) for x in coords.values())),
            attrs={"units": f"{ent} Gg / year", "entity": ent},
        for ent in ("CO2", "SF6", "CH4")
        "entity_terminology": "primap2",
        "area": "area (ISO3)",
        "cat": "category (IPCC 2006)",
        "sec_cats": ["animal (FAOSTAT)", "product (FAOSTAT)"],
        "scen": "scenario (FAOSTAT)",
        "references": "doi:10.1012",
        "rights": "Use however you want.",
        "contact": "",
        "title": "Completely invented GHG inventory data",
        "comment": "GHG inventory data ...",
        "institution": "PIK",
        "publication_date":, 12, 31),

pop_coords = {
    x: coords[x]
    for x in (
        "area (ISO3)",
opulent["population"] = xr.DataArray(
    data=np.random.default_rng().random(tuple(len(x) for x in pop_coords.values())),
    attrs={"entity": "population", "units": ""},

opulent = opulent.assign_coords(
        "category_names": xr.DataArray(
                    "land use",
                    "heavy industry",
                    "light industry",
            coords={"category (IPCC 2006)": coords["category (IPCC 2006)"]},
            dims=["category (IPCC 2006)"],

opulent =

with ureg.context("SARGWP100"):
    opulent["SF6 (SARGWP100)"] = opulent["SF6"]"CO2 Gg / year")
opulent["SF6 (SARGWP100)"].attrs["gwp_context"] = "SARGWP100"

<xarray.Dataset> Size: 518kB
Dimensions:               (time: 21, area (ISO3): 4, category (IPCC 2006): 8,
                           animal (FAOSTAT): 3, product (FAOSTAT): 2,
                           scenario (FAOSTAT): 2, provenance: 1, model: 1,
                           source: 2)
  * time                  (time) datetime64[ns] 168B 2000-01-01 ... 2020-01-01
  * area (ISO3)           (area (ISO3)) <U3 48B 'COL' 'ARG' 'MEX' 'BOL'
  * category (IPCC 2006)  (category (IPCC 2006)) <U3 96B '0' '1' ... '1.A' '1.B'
  * animal (FAOSTAT)      (animal (FAOSTAT)) <U5 60B 'cow' 'swine' 'goat'
  * product (FAOSTAT)     (product (FAOSTAT)) <U4 32B 'milk' 'meat'
  * scenario (FAOSTAT)    (scenario (FAOSTAT)) <U7 56B 'highpop' 'lowpop'
  * provenance            (provenance) <U9 36B 'projected'
  * model                 (model) <U8 32B 'FANCYFAO'
  * source                (source) <U8 64B 'RAND2020' 'RAND2021'
    category_names        (category (IPCC 2006)) <U14 448B 'total' ... 'light...
Data variables:
    CO2                   (time, area (ISO3), category (IPCC 2006), animal (FAOSTAT), product (FAOSTAT), scenario (FAOSTAT), provenance, model, source) float64 129kB [CO2·Gg/a] ...
    SF6                   (time, area (ISO3), category (IPCC 2006), animal (FAOSTAT), product (FAOSTAT), scenario (FAOSTAT), provenance, model, source) float64 129kB [SF6·Gg/a] ...
    CH4                   (time, area (ISO3), category (IPCC 2006), animal (FAOSTAT), product (FAOSTAT), scenario (FAOSTAT), provenance, model, source) float64 129kB [CH4·Gg/a] ...
    population            (time, area (ISO3), provenance, model, source) float64 1kB [] ...
    SF6 (SARGWP100)       (time, area (ISO3), category (IPCC 2006), animal (FAOSTAT), product (FAOSTAT), scenario (FAOSTAT), provenance, model, source) float64 129kB [CO2·Gg/a] ...
    entity_terminology:  primap2
    area:                area (ISO3)
    cat:                 category (IPCC 2006)
    sec_cats:            ['animal (FAOSTAT)', 'product (FAOSTAT)']
    scen:                scenario (FAOSTAT)
    references:          doi:10.1012
    rights:              Use however you want.
    title:               Completely invented GHG inventory data
    comment:             GHG inventory data ...
    institution:         PIK
    publication_date:    2099-12-31

Compared to the minimal example, this data set has a lot more to unpack:

  • The first thing to notice is that there are a lot more dimensions, in particular for the used model, the provenance of the data, the described scenario, and the animal type. As before, the dimension scenario, animal, and product use a specific set of categories given in parentheses and with appropriate metadata in the attrs. The scenario is a standard dimension, and the metadata in attrs is given using the scen key. The animal and product dimensions are nonstandard, and are included in the secondary categories at attrs['sec_cats']. Note that sec_cats contains a list, so that multiple nonstandard dimensions can be included if needed.

  • There is also s coordinate which is not defining a dimensions, category names. It gives additional information about categories, which can be helpful for humans trying to make sense of the category codes without looking them up. Note that because this coordinate is not used as an index for a dimension, the category names do not have to be unique.

  • In the data variables, emissions of the different gases all use all dimensions, but the population data does not use all dimensions. For each data variable, only the dimensions which make sense have to be used.

  • In the attrs, the terminology for the entities is explicitly defined, so that the meaning of the entity attributes is unambigously defined.

  • In the attrs, additional metadata useful for humans is included: citable references, usage rights, a descriptive title, a long-form comment, an email address to contact for questions about the data set, and the publication_date.

Processing information example#

For detailed descriptions of processing steps done to arrive at the dataset at hand, we use rich metadata types. This example shows a dataset with detailed processing step information.

# we don't actually do the processing, but add corresponding metadata as if we did

time = pd.date_range("2000-01-01", "2020-01-01", freq="YS")
area_iso3 = np.array(["COL", "ARG"])
with_processing = xr.Dataset(
        "CO2": xr.DataArray(
            data=np.random.default_rng().random((len(time), len(area_iso3), 1)),
                "time": time,
                "area (ISO3)": area_iso3,
                "source": ["RAND2020"],
            dims=["time", "area (ISO3)", "source"],
            attrs={"units": "CO2 Gg / year", "entity": "CO2"},
        "Processing of CO2": xr.DataArray(
                                    description="invented from thin air",
                                    time=np.array(["2000", "2001"], dtype=np.datetime64),
                                    description="use other data which is also invented, but better",
                                    description="invented from thin air",
            dims=["area (ISO3)", "source"],
            attrs={"entity": "Processing of CO2", "described_variable": "CO2"},
    attrs={"area": "area (ISO3)"},

<xarray.Dataset> Size: 576B
Dimensions:            (time: 21, area (ISO3): 2, source: 1)
  * time               (time) datetime64[ns] 168B 2000-01-01 ... 2020-01-01
  * area (ISO3)        (area (ISO3)) <U3 24B 'COL' 'ARG'
  * source             (source) <U8 32B 'RAND2020'
Data variables:
    CO2                (time, area (ISO3), source) float64 336B [CO2·Gg/a] 0....
    Processing of CO2  (area (ISO3), source) object 16B Using function=rand f...
    area:     area (ISO3)

Note that the processing information in the data variable “Processing of CO2” has the same dimensions as the described variable “CO2”, with the exception of the “time”. The time information is included in the rich metadata object itself:

print("COL processing:")
print(with_processing["Processing of CO2"].pr.loc[{"area": "COL"}].item())
print("ARG processing:")
print(with_processing["Processing of CO2"].pr.loc[{"area": "ARG"}].item())
COL processing:
Using function=rand for times=all: invented from thin air
Using function=replace with source=betterData2024 for times=['2000' '2001']: use other data which is also invented, but better

ARG processing:
Using function=rand for times=all: invented from thin air


  • xarray does not provide a solution for the management of multiple data sets, including search and discovery, change management etc. For this, we use datalad.

  • At the moment, xarray does not deal with very sparse data efficiently. For large, very sparse datasets with lots of dimensions, primap2 is currently not usable.