Merging datasets

Merging datasets#

xarray provides different functions to combine Datasets and DataArrays. However, these are not built to combine data which contain duplicates with rounding / processing errors. Unfortunately, when reading data e.g. from country reports this is often needed as some sectors are included in several tables and might use different numbers of decimals. Thus, PRIMAP2 has added the function that can accept data discrepancies not exceeding a given tolerance level. The merging of attributes is handled by xarray and the combine_attrs parameter is just passed on to the xarray functions. The default is to drop_conflicts.

Below is an example using the built-in opulent_ds.

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# setup logging for the docs - we don't need debug logs
import sys
from loguru import logger

logger.add(sys.stderr, level="INFO")
import xarray as xr

from primap2.tests.examples import opulent_ds

op_ds = opulent_ds()

# only take part of the countries to have something to actually merge
da_start = op_ds["CO2"].pr.loc[{"area": ["ARG", "COL", "MEX"]}]

# modify some data
data_to_modify = op_ds["CO2"].pr.loc[{"area": ["ARG"]}].pr.sum("area") = * 1.009
da_merge = op_ds["CO2"].pr.set("area", "ARG", data_to_modify, existing="overwrite")

# merge with tolerance such that it will pass
da_result =, tolerance=0.01)
# merge with lower tolerance such that it will fail
    # the logged message is very large, only show a small part
    da_result =, tolerance=0.005)
except xr.MergeError as err:
    err_short = "\n".join(str(err).split("\n")[0:6])
    print(f"An error occured during merging: {err_short}")

# you could also only log a warning and not raise an error
# using the error_on_discrepancy=False argument to `merge`
An error occured during merging: pr.merge error: found discrepancies larger than tolerance (0.50%) for area (ISO3)=ARG, provenance=projected, model=FANCYFAO:
shown are relative discrepancies. (CO2)
                                                                                                category_names    CO2
time       category (IPCC 2006) animal (FAOSTAT) product (FAOSTAT) scenario (FAOSTAT) source                         
2000-01-01 0                    cow              milk              highpop            RAND2020           total  0.009
                                                                                      RAND2021           total  0.009